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Everything posted by wakeabby14

  1. Looks for one of these anyone have one lying around?
  2. You checked the main ECU earth and the earth to the injectors located on the inlet manifold on the ICV side, on one of the ICV bolts there is an earth, tighten it up if it is loose as i had fuel cutting issues as it was rattling around while driving.
  3. thats going to be beasty! get some pics up of the kit before you pop it on see those juicy bits!
  4. Nice clean car man! you need to get that on coilovers or springs as the factory suspension sits the car weigh to high haha! great car though!
  5. Probs worth a try cleaning the ICV with some carb cleaner and making sure the earth is tightened back up correctly, as there is 2 main earths on the ICV for the injectors and the main ECU earth.
  6. Cheers for the reply! Im getting a new job soon so will have loads of free cash about, will be ordering this off you probably or a full td04 kit with everything and going for a stage 2 forge. will let you know in a month or two!
  7. If your not going to Japfest and want a good meet to go to, The annual static royals car meet is this sunday in Scarborough, car meet officially starts at 6:30pm on Scarborough sea front, The intended turn out so far is 700 people so you will need to get there early if you want a spot, a load of us are meeting at hull victoria docks and also at leven layby at 2:30pm so if you want to come to the drive up to scarborough your more than welcome to join us. message me for any info will be a fantastic meet like it is every year!!
  8. I think it should mount the same im think you can use the clips off the old bumper but im not sure, I have been looking at a varis bumper for a while but have never had the money to commit to it and get it painted as been buying turbo kits and all the power stuff first!! its next on my list though after new brake disks and pads
  9. It will need the holes drilling for the fog lights and some sanding/prep work for paint depending on the gel coat finish, even the white one they do will need painting if you leave it as the gel coat it will yellow with the sun probably and wont be protected from the elements. Josh
  10. PROBLEM SOLVED! So the issue in the end was a bad earth on the injectors, I had a look and the bolt was mega loose on it tightened it up took it for a test drive and no more fuel cut or issues! What a relief cheers for eveyones input!
  11. Hahahaha oh shit thats brutal!!!
  12. That wepr kit is beaut! Jelly of the catch can want one of those but they never come up for sale!
  13. Cheers mate will check that too i have a busy evening ahead of me! any tips if non of this works?
  14. will have a look, need to check everything people can think of need it sorting asap
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