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Everything posted by rorenapier

  1. 1.Scratchy 2.Gary (GBRM) 3. _shaun_ 4.ryan-11 5. Rory As long as it doesnt interfear with my sprint callendar im up for it. Dastek is another option.
  2. There is no straps at the front of the car, hence the front let go on the run down. 2 straps at the rear are about as much use as fuck all.
  3. I highly doubt the access ecu will control the 360cc injectors. Run the standard fuel pressure reg and head for the dyno, but make sure you run it under the standard fuel cut level and it will be fine.
  4. Yeah and the police are born the day before. Seriously do you not think it would be odd seeing a car insured by an older women on record being ahmmered about by a 20 year old boy? Be sensible now. My point exactly, so in essance, like a brokn pencil, pointless.
  5. 350 / 400 hp Evo's are not that special. What you want to do is insurance fraud, so i hope the insurance companys dont start letting under 25's drive on 3rd party cover. Cut corners at your end, from that atitude, you deserve being caught. Would hate to think if you killed someone while driving "mummy's" Evo...
  6. God point Wullie (and to blow my own trumpet, i do have the quickest EP in /scotland over the standing 1/4 ) See here My own 250 hp GT up against an R32 GTR, certainly had a full exhaust and filter, unsure on much else. Now for you members who cant see past Toyotas, look how the GTR starts passing me just on the finish line, thats torque and capacity of the bigger motor. Yes up to a certain speed its evens stevens, but after around 100 mph plus it will walk away.
  7. You can loop the power steering vac lines, the motor wont stall. As for all the electrical gubbins above the coil, rip it all out if you have no A/C. As for the water line, i had to make up my own line on my EP82, pain in the arse but works. Did you buy your inlet from Krissy, or buy a new one?
  8. Thats funny, i put EP91 lowering springs on my 82 with no issues, there the same size dimensionally.
  9. Either way, any Jap, Chinese or Taiwan made manifolds WILL crack as there manufactured with cheap shit stainless.
  10. Welding any "cheap stainless" manifold it will only move the stresses to the next weakest point and keep cracking Time to put your hand in your pocket and buy a new one
  11. Liner over any GT. Yes the power to weight etc of the EP's, but if the spare change is there to run one (a liner) then have one. Personally, for the money id be looking at other options rather than the Liner
  12. Is the wastegate sticking shut? Are you sure you have a 0.5 bar spring in there? How many springs are fitted?
  13. What do you mean all over the place?
  14. Was in Joburg airport and was told not to leave the airport, and that was coming from a black dude!! Lol Capetown is a nicer place, but still has the usual "No go Areas"
  15. Dont bother with a RRFPR, but i would suggest a fuel pump just to be on the safe side. Then pop to a local Rolling road for a check on the air/fuel ratio etc
  16. Mabey more interest next year once Christmas is out the road.
  17. No bother Iddy, learn from your mistakes, thats the best way of doing it. ;) Make sure the valve stem seals are ok aswell, just to make sure. When do you rekon it will be roaded?
  18. Fookin ell' Iddy. Its looking sweet. Shame about the motor though, who built it to start with?
  19. To much camber can give negative effects. ;) both positive and negative.
  20. Thats cool, A GTR isnt a GTR without its own wheels As for the Evo, im not keen on them either
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