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Everything posted by NightSpirit

  1. what a simple but so obvious idea Never thought of that! DOH!!!! cheers
  2. An update here... Whilst swapping the strut on the wife's Glanza last night, I noticed her stabilizer bar has the correct hip socket bits I need on the Tanabe, so I took it off her car and fitted the rigid socket stab bar from my 82 Next thing is working out how to get the sockets off!! they have a hex bolt set into a round bolt and both can be turned...a job for the mole grips I reckon.
  3. Just an update on this... whipped the front nearside strut off last night (10 minutes!) and popped the nearside strut on from the ep82....dropped it back down and hey presto, knocking gone, wife impressed
  4. what did they expect me to do in the dormatory at midnight...with a bottle of baby oil and that rubber chicken??
  5. That's the general idea... you're almost as persistant as I was when that philipino primary school took out a restraining order against me...ah the memories
  6. The small children prefer a bit more 'padding' Now please can we stop this, for once...let a thread with me on it be none of these things: Gay, Very Gay, Pointless, Pointlessly Gay, To do with my offspring and grandchildren, Refer to me being old, Mention small children in any capacity... I think that covers most of it
  7. FFS sake grandson... I sit here, naked, picking Werther's from my pubes and I'm dismayed....dismayed that it took you so long to pick up on the nipple thing
  8. CHeers for that...and no it's not condescending at all, if I didn't want to know I wouldn't have asked I'll give that a go this weekend or tomorrow night infact!
  9. Just thought I'd post this incase I'm missing anything glaringly obvious on the EP. The brakes (outlaw 4 pots) are still not right, if you pump the pedal you get some resistance, and the pads do engage the discs but normal conditions there is no resistance at all till the pedal is at the floor. I bled the brakes from OR, NR, OF, NF (O - offside, N - nearside)...with the wife in the car, pumping the pedal a few times when I release the bleed nipple on the caliper...fluid comes out in a jet, I tighten it up, next caliper and so on. Any ideas?
  10. I...I love you too.... grandson.... I don't think there will ever be a serious non-gay thread again with us two on here
  11. your cold and calculating nature is so heart warming....lol Drove the car this morning for about 2 mins, the car feels very planted to the road and solid but not too harsh on the coilovers...lots of banging though, so need to check that out. Also very little brake feel, the brakes stop the car, but no pedal feel at all. Think I'll get it to a garage to check out when I can
  12. yay @ me Fitted an extra 2 washers to each bolt tonight to bring the calipers back slightly and they now spin freely. Bled the brakes (in the dark and the rain) and hopefully go for the first drive tomorrow!! If I don't post again, you know they failed and I'm dead.
  13. Sweeping generalisations are the future...that way you're not singling any one type of person out...and you're consistent I have to say in all honesty though, I've owned a lot of cars but never a Fiat. I used to have 2 Corsa's back in the day, one of which was a GSI...now THAT was a steaming pile of homo poo.
  14. I agree with Ecks... The french/italians whoever are all surrender monkeys and as such all their cars (apart from the F40) are gay beyond compare. THE END
  15. Where abouts Si? And how did you figure out the corect sizes?
  16. Cheers Si, Where did you go for them? I may (as a trial) stick some washer spacers on various bits to see what size I need and if it works! On a plus note, when the calipers were freed from the disc, the pedal feel came back when I pumped it...so I need to sort out the spacing, then re-bleed all the brakes again and hopefully be good to go
  17. my next question is.... how big and spacer? and where would you buy such a thing...halfrauds?
  18. Right chaps...an update I took the caliper off, freed them up with WD and pumped the pedals a little..all of them move in and (out slightly)...One bugger popped out at one point lol! DOH So the caliper seems ok. I fitted the wheel to the hub and disc with no caliper and it spins freely..so that's ok The problem comes when I put the caliper on...as soon as I tighten even 1 nut on the wheel, it siezes up, so I'm thinking the disc when it's being clamped down to the hub with the wheel is pressing against the back pad??? No idea how to remedy that one though Anyone know a good mobile brake s
  19. I did rear nearside first, then rear offside, then front nearside, then front offside. I didn't have the fluid cap off though when I did it...but then the brakes are siezed not air in the system I believe? The penis to which Ecks relates being me.
  20. I'm going for between 260-350hp in the long run...not drag strip stuff, more track driving. I definitely want to ditch the stock manifold, no question about that!
  21. Lobotomy, That image you circled is the stock caliper the outlaw...on the left, has no such mechanism on the back or front. And no grandson, I haven't resorted to the hammer yet, I thought I'd get the angle grinder out first and saw some of the pads off.
  22. What sort of A/M turbos are you guys using? What size, power rating etc... I'm thinking of the next stage of power mods at the moment and would really like to ditch the stock turbo and manifold (as it's shite). What sort of prices have people paid for say a Toyota CT20b from a 193+ MR2 Turbo...and what about a fabricated manifold?
  23. Yeah matey, clamped them fully open so they'd fit over the discs...the first few times the brakes were pumped the calipers were biting the disc ok aswell....velly velly odd.
  24. Fitted the 4 pots at the weekend, bearing in mind they've been sat for several months in the box unused....and months before that. Fitted them up to the car all fine, g-clamped the pistons in to get them over the discs...all seems fine. Then I bled the brakes at the rear, and then each of the 4 nipples on the front calipers...all fine. The problem is that the brake pedal still has no 'feel', the pedal fully depresses with no resistance at all...like the brakes are fully on (on the front, the rears spin freely) This is also proven by the fact the car won't move, the front stoppers are locked
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