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Everything posted by BlackTarw

  1. don't forget the novelty of having a boost button...the only car I know of that you can vary the power from the drivers seat is the M5
  2. tooo....much....orange.....aaiiieee!
  3. Forgot about this, but here we go: The stuff is called Castrol Edge, it comes in 5w-40 and 10w-60 types, GT-Culture tested it against a semi-synthetic in a 0-100 simulated bench test and it was a second quicker...sounds good!
  4. I'm not convinced about those lights...all those extra bits and pieces are extra weight which would slow me down. Personally I like the glanza because it looks like a granny shuttle right up to the point you blows the doors off a BMW...they walk softly but carry a big stick, stomping around and carrying a truncheon isn't as cool...
  5. Toyota Altezza RS200 and a 'teg type-r powered mini classic to play with on the weekends :angry:
  6. that does look shit though, what's the point in having in that low?
  7. There's a new oil just been released which is supposed to be pretty damn good, it's in the news section of this months Japanese performance car mag if anyone has a copy to hand, apparently it's worth 1 second off your 0-100 time... Used to love Catrol R in my old mini, performance and aromatherapy at the same time, luuurvely!
  8. Yeah, I had some guy spray paint my car a while back, at least I managed to get that off, any luck with the video cameras?
  9. If you get wheels that are lighter than your current ones ( and keeping the same wheel size) your car will accelerate faster, same effect as lightening your flywheel...nice eh? :angry:
  10. 'Hoofing around a circuit' time of course! :angry:
  11. Had a set on my old mini, top shocks! Comfy but stiffen up well for circuit use :angry:
  12. well here's one http://www.curacaodrag.com/site2/modules.p...And_The_Furious I belive this is one of the fastest...7.52 @ 177.14MPH quick enough for you? http://www.cardomain.com/ride/804092
  13. There's a guy in Jamaica who has a 12 second starlet (ep91) I've heard of quicker ones, but they're rear-wheel drive and using big v8s...
  14. Endless? really...ah now we're talking.... shame he didn't go to top secret and get their paint job...
  15. Yeah I've come across these before, a piggy back device is normally a tried and tested chip which alters the signal to and from the ECU to improve performance, not a cheap assed resistor. My guess is that it tells the ECU that it's getting more air than normal and richens the fuel supply (and I bet the fuel saver chip does the opposite!) to *maybe* get you 1-2bhp, but I'd be very wary of such a thing, better off getting it superchipped. I did find the fact the dial is fitted on a Ferrari funny, I bet it's not wired up! not a bad profit... 5p resistor sold for £30 * guliable chavs fr
  16. hmm...the only black and gold finish I'd approve of is a JPS Lotus type colour scheme, that looks too chavy
  17. That's just like someone helpfully unwrapping your christmas pressies
  18. *dons crash helmet* READY! by the way autoexpress have a nice tyre guide... http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/website/?ae_d...s/tyretest2005/
  19. No worries then! by the way it's 5.30 on a Friday, woo!
  20. Bastards! They've soiled it
  21. lobotomy, nice one! Prangers, do what you can to enlighten the be-capped reprobates, take along a copy of "my first big book of car modifaction" and read it to them slowly
  22. I don't think they'd let me in, I don't wear burberry and I haven't an exhaust the size of a dustbin
  23. Everything I've suggested I've had done and yes the mods do make a big difference. It's suprising how much of a difference they make...makes you wonder why they aren't done as standard...
  24. ...how much are those drag tires?
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