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Everything posted by Nanglebadger

  1. if it's STILL not sold after I sort some suspension, I'm having it! Fact. I also know someone over here was considering it, so it is definitely getting interest bud. Phil.
  2. Page one, picture one, stock shocks and GMax springs. http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/225-nanglebadgers-work-in-progress/ Phil. and they will all sag with age. Phil.
  3. Bollox, Mark's old quad light was a very late 1995 but I dont think I have a record of its numbers and I know Spoon sold it on but I don't know who to! Phil.
  4. Update Nothing very exciting, but replacement inner plastic for boot lid picked up from Joel on Sunday, and I have ordered up a new slimline radiator fan to replace the aircon fan currently being used. Also, now that we can upload directly, I'll throw some pics up this evening from a few weekends back when we got the seats in and turned it round in the garage. Phil.
  5. BAH! This makes me sad, I need to change my boost controller and this is a SILLY bargain, but it needs items to make it roadworthy first rather than improvements. Shockingly good bargain this! If I didnt need coilovers I'd buy it in a second so free bump! Phil.
  6. I ran GMax 40 mm springs on stock shocks for about 6 years. They were fine, VERY hard, and sagged with age. If you go the Tein route, I have a set for sale. Not 100% sure on the drop they give though as I picked them up second hand, someone will be able to confirm the drop though. Phil.
  7. ^^^close buddy, Livesports made a lip for the NA, but as you mentioned, it was for the Reflet front bumper, not the stock NA. Fair whack of customising, or a TTE-rep lip from ID-Workz, or a hybrid of OEM and TTE (like mine) are the only real NA options, unless you're as DIY as Rob Bower. Phil.
  8. Springs onto the stock shocks is by far the cheapest solution, I ran mine as a daily like that for years and it was only a BEHEMOTH pot hole that burst a tire that eventually killed a spring. Phil.
  9. This is proof that forum-based communication doesn't work for the NorthStars, its gotta be the monster WhatsApp chat! because I know there's more going than this lol! Phil.
  10. For some informed advice on how to deal with such matters appropriately, you know who to contact B. Phil.
  11. looks silly clean inside and out Lew!!!! Very nice as always bud! Phil.
  12. seriously beefy strut brace B, good call!!!! nice update as always! looking forward to seeing this Sunday! Phil.
  13. ^^^Good to know Ryan. If you get waved at by a white Alfa Romeo estate its me saying hello as my folks live down there. Phil.
  14. Depends what you mean by "remove". Do you mean permanently?? I took mine out when I got mine sprayed, the outer piece is two screws, but if you want to go the whole hog, you can locate the aerial down in the bottom right of the drivers footwell and pull that bad boy completely out. Phil.
  15. 1. Nanglebadger - sponging a lift! 2. Joel - Trueno 3. Bdohohh - EP91 SR 4. Karl - Glanza V 5. Hookie - Glanza V 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Giving this a bump for more as I know there are more NorthStars comtemplating this outing! Phil.
  16. great read!!! like our own in-house version of Speedhunters at Tsukuba!!! And the workshop pic with various beasts lurking in the background, classic!!!!! great thread bud, looking forward to reading and seeing more! Also, that headlamp conversion looks super tidy for a DIY item!!! kudos!!! Phil.
  17. Probably do the job ok. I fitted a set of small Sony xplods behind mine many moons ago and they were a dead on upgrade. Phil.
  18. I f**king knew it! Joel was talking me through his theory on Saturday at Steve's, that someone must have swapped out random sensors and fuel pressure regs and Lord knows what else! And low and behold, Mr Joel was bang on the money!!!! So random! For such a clean car, that obviously was well looked after, at least for the main part, before we picked it up in England, it is hiding some one the most random bullshit problems I have ever seen! Like, what on earth could the explanation be for those weird-ass changes! They make no sense! Was it a piss poor attempt to make 100bhp??? who knows!
  19. It's that time of year again folks, the annual Cruise for Cancer from Carrickfergus to Portrush along the Antrim coast. So, Northstars, who all's going?? Lets get a list going and raise some money for a great cause! Similar interest thread going up on TGTT by PhilM. 1. Nanglebadger - sponging a lift! 2. Joel - Trueno 3. Bdohohh - EP91 SR 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Phil.
  20. looks menacing bud! Great work! Phil.
  21. Thanks bud. Tried to upload some pics there using the new direct loading feature, but the files are too big and I cant resize them on the work computer. this thread is clearly destined to have no pics for a while. I fail. Phil.
  22. Update So, as anyone who follows the #GaragEP IG feed will know, yesterday was a very productive day! Firstly, a monster thanks to Joel once again for taking a full day from his weekend to wrench on Project BadgerSport! Saturday was the NorthStar RR day at CAE in Knockloughrim which was a SUPERB day out! See TGTT here for the pics: http://www.toyotagtturbo.com/forums/showthread.php?109427-2015-meets-NORTHSTARS&p=1153923#post1153923 Whilst at the meet, Adzy very kindly donated a rubber grommet for my bootlid, so that was the first order of the day on Sunday. I also got s
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