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lugzy clart

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Everything posted by lugzy clart

  1. That's proper commitment to tea lol
  2. The only way to do it is tea bag, water, wait 1 min, then tea bag out n then milk then sugars :-)
  3. From talking to Burney before i suggest the long 1s. At the end of the day u can ajust them smaller but not bigger
  4. its not good man hurry up and a get a fmic or bear trap lol
  5. that video is gunna save me so much time and i think everyone else lol also this has to be the cleanest mx ive every seen fair play to u jw wat are u cleaning all the hubs with ??
  6. nice mate planning on a full suspension set up like urs wen i find my money tree lol n wa power did she end up making on the rollers ??
  7. I bought pridzz old alloys and they were spot on so any 1 worried about buying from him don't :-) Glws fella :-)
  8. Wow loving the wheels on this fair play :-) wats the rest of the spec on it ??
  9. Holy shit that's so hard to do all that on the proper bike let alone on a racing bike :s n to backflip out of a sand trap with 1 is just insane
  10. Bloody Hell thas mad :/ I'd be so scared if I watched sum 1 so that out side my house :/
  11. Haha kid.should've put him on his ass lmao
  12. Bloody Hell least the roll cage done its job :-)
  13. Wow really like the look of the roll tip side exit mate :-)
  14. Haha wat a dick hate people that jam there anchors on like that they just need to move
  15. Aww cool I don't think I've heard of that 1 bu shall try finding it weatheer pending lol :-)
  16. Haha that was me yesterday bu lots of toast and a big strong cuppa coffee sorted me right out lol then it was all about the nandos for tea
  17. awww sweet nice 1 for the info man up there for a whole week so i figer i should get sum decent riding in at sum point lol
  18. Aww fair enuff lol I was clearly paying more attention to the riding then the places lmao
  19. fair play to ryans lil bro he progresses pretty quick and to ride i guess cwmbran park every day aswell i give him props cuz that park is in my opinion shit lol hope the weathers better for next week cuz im going mount hawke and the surrounding corwall area for the week lol if he every gets chance go mount hawke looks amazing
  20. if only i had lots of money and this was in the uk so clean tho loads of effort and hours put in to that car
  21. ooo loving the nardi another thing to add to the never ending shopping list lol
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