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jordan walker

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Everything posted by jordan walker

  1. Cheers bud ive spent alot of time trying to get it looking as nice as I can its no where near the standards of other peoples builds but I like it
  2. I know its a completely differrnt car but wd did the gearbox on my friends 106 the other week and had the exact same problem we obviously thought earth straight away then strter motor etc etc it tyrned out in the end it was that the starter motor had 3 wires instead of just a live and an earth it had another wire that went to the pos it was only a little thing im guessing a remote like what an amp has but not sure ... how many wores does a starlet have to the starter and have you got all of them on? Its a long shot but it sounds exactly the same as what happened on my pals car
  3. Loving all the pink bits dude especiapy the cage looks class!
  4. Right then made a bit of progress over the weekend so thought id update it now while ive got 5 mins to myself So I took my engine off the stand and bolted the flywheel and clutch up to it. then bolted the gearbox up to it which I sprayed silver the night before to make it look that little bit better. and then got a couple of friends to help me put it in the car. Done it a bit different lol got two people to lift the car in the air and then the other three pushed and pulled the engine into place then put the car down and wiggled the engine about til it was in so there probly wont be
  5. Hmm wonder what sort of power it would would make compared to the ct9. Its a good idea mind, if everything is easy to swap over then it could be a cheap easy way of making big power
  6. Cheers bud! And yeah I was looking at the wepr hybrids the other daydidnt even realuse that they did them they look the part mind dont they! Took my engine off the stand last night and put the flywheel on it. Gunna try and get the clutch and gearbox bolted up today and then find some friends to help me lift her in
  7. Youve left all the tar in! Thats the heavyest part man get the heat gun on that lol
  8. So what exactly has he done then? It might be because im tired or it might be me just been stupid lol but couldnt tell wbat hes used to make his turbo... I can see hes used the ct12 housing and im guesing he will have used the wheel aswell as its bigger and thats the idea of building the turbo to make more power but what about the exhaust wheel and the shaft etc quite interested
  9. I didn't think it would be legal to start chopping seats and shit in half? Surely it would be a bit dangerous and have no support towards the middle if that makes sense? And where did you get it weighed at wouldn't mind a cheeky little sheet like that to see how my car is ball ended quite clever really * balanced lmfao
  10. ^^ what he said... havent seen a bad review about them yet supposed to be the dogs danglees where as the gizzmos have quite a bit of bad rep. Car looks the part by the way realy clean love it! Not keen on them bonnet pins though but loose them nd I dare say it would be the nicest white v ive seen in a long time
  11. Cheers dude yeah the interiors my favourate part of the car mainly because of the hard work that went into it like haha what are you doing with yours like?
  12. Not much of an update but ill do it anyway because otherwise I end up spending about half an hour typing it all up lol Heres where I am now all the little bits and bobs are on my engine and its ready to be bolted to the box and shot back in the car
  13. Welcome On a standard td04 you will make between 230 and 240 I recon if its set up properly. Have a look at the tuning developments hybrid td04 turbos suposedly theyre making over 250 at 1 bar! So if your willing to pay a little extra you could have 250+ reliably.
  14. Ill probly end up going but wont be in my starlet lol unless one of youse wants to push me?
  15. Link to the m9 spline drive for the headbolts http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/231310675180?nav=SEARCH link to the torque settings you will need http://www.ukstarletowners.com/page/articles.html/_/engineandtuning/4e5e-torque-settings-r13 I cant think of anything else you need to know just have a go if you think you have all the tools if you get stuck im sure they will be someone to help you
  16. You might already know but the head bolts are a funny sized spline drive that nobody seemed to have in their toolbox and no shops seem to sell when I did mine lol so I had to buy one and off ebay and wait for it to come so my car was off the road for a good few days so might be worth making sure you have one of them first lol. if your doing the headgasket get the head skimmed. For the sake of £30 its not worth taking the risk in my opinion its not so much the cost of another head gasket its the pulling your topend to bits again after youve just done it! I imagine you dont want to do that lol?
  17. Was the unit second hand? Or has it took a decent bat off something at any point? Ive heard that the emu's are very sensitive because theres a sensor near enough touching the inside of the casing and if the unit is chucked about and is hit in the wrong place it can cause you a hell of a headache so it might be that?
  18. I dont know exactly but from what I can gather a lad that micky didnt get on with took a good hiding and blamed micky for it and now micky is in prison until hes trial hence why he hasnt been around for a while
  19. I have my opinions on the page aswell as to wether or not it will work but micky and his girlfriend think it will so ive liked it. Please dont leave negative comments on here the last thing I wanted was to see an arguement as to wether its going to work or wether he did it or not I didnt make this post for that I made it to try and get a bit of support for a friend. Thanks, Jordan.
  20. That video s actualy awfull... I actualy jumped whden I heard the crunch of him hitting the car it happens so fast! As mentioned we are all guilty of speeding at some point and were guilty of nog paying attention at some point the video wasnt made to find out who was at fault it was made to try and save it happening again....
  21. Right as some of you may know micky boy (michael loughran) is a realy well thought of helpfull guy on this forum and has helped me out quite a few times and most likely will have helped you at some point. Unfortunately micky and his friend karl have been arrested and put in prison for an assault on a lad which they didnt do they are in holme house prison until there trial I believe. His girlfriend jo and karls girlfriend have made a facebook page and hopefully if they get enough likes and shares hopefully they will get bail. I dont expect you to go and do it if you have never heard of him e
  22. The forged engine has spun a shell and scored the crank and one of the rods dunno what happened to the ecu lol it has an emb and zisco td04 kit on it now I went down to kent for it lol
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