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Nanglebadgers work in progress

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pics as requested:

Tom's rad cap


Sard oil cap


The over all effect


the more eagle eyed of u will notice that the pipe between the rolla mani and the rocker cover has been changed back to the OEM pipe, the blue silicone pipe was nice but it wasn't thick enough and the oil was slowly seeping through it, so if anyone has anythinker bits of hose lyin about that they think would work please feel free to make a donation or i'll pay for it, i'd also take red pipin for it if thats wot anyone has used and has some spare!


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Nice to see you got some cool wee bits in Phil.

My pcv valve pipe had to be removed too.

It was also too wide, a mm too wide.

The stuff I got was 9mm which was fine for my 'other' bits not shown in public yet lol but a fraction too loose for the pcv hence the slight leakage.

8mm is needed mate to keep things tight :p:D .


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Ok got the car back from MOT prep today, she's ready to roll, all i need to do is put the stock number plates on and take the momo pedals off altho my mechanic says if they fail u for pedals they are pure bastards! He also fitted the new sub frame for the passenger seat so its now solida again...however he made a good point and i cant believe i was this stupid...if i dont hae back seats anymore y didn't i buy a solid subframe, that way i wouldnt be worried about the runners dyin again...ah well too late now its fitted, that'll teach me!

Fog bulbs are fitted, not a whole lot different but a subtle change. Carpet was the wrong damn stuff but not to worry thats easily swapped.

Toby has been paid so just awaiting delivery now.

Now, i spoke to the young lad who does my painting, the guy who painted his saxo the same colour as my car after seein my car and workin on it. I want bits painted/repainted and he has stuff he wants painted so we're gonna get all our bits/cars together and split the costs that his boss will charge us for doin some paintin. I have some ideas of stuff i'd like colour coded in the engine bay, ideas i have stolen from Sl8ter and from walkin about JAE and snooping under bonnets, and some ideas that i may need to clear with Mark (as u all know i dont technically own some of the parts in my car), but I am also open to suggestions of what people think would look good colour coded. I have a list made up that i'm gonna alter/add to as my tastes see fit before commitng any parts to paint.

Here's a pic of the bay exactly as she is at present. Suggestions, large and small, welcome. I will also be consulting indepth with SiCaln about this, we are fussy bastards aren't we!


And my Jap goody from ecksjay is ready to be shipped woohoo!!!!!


edit** just realised the pic wasnt taken from far enough out, oh well u'v all seen an n/a bay before, suggestions to put on the paint list welcome.

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Engine bay plans sound good, bummer about the fog light bulb.

Good luck with the MOT dude, i'm sure she'll go straight through. SiCaln's idea of painting the airbox sounds good but if you're getting rid of it then never mind.

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So far i'm thinkin:

Repaint Splitter check

Fuel rail check

Exhaust mani heat shield- Looks good black;)

battery clamp check

fuse box cover check

fuel pump cover isn't that where the back seats should be?

power steering fluid cap and bracket check

radiator and water bottle brackets check

ALL sounds gravy to me Phil :lol::p

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cheers Lewis man! maybe its not the pump...THE FUEL FILTER!!! thats wot i meant!! u see the two black cylinders behind the front strut?? one of them rests on the strut itself?? those! saw a car with them done at JAE and thought 'damn, thats attention to detail!'

The heat shield needs redone, the hemmerite hasnt done a great job!

Note: my fogs dont work now at all! the drivers one went out when we put the new bulbs in so today we put the old ones back in...and we've got NOTHIN happenin at all! dunno wot the hell is wrong. :p:D:p:lol: this car makes me love it and hate it all at once sometimes!


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