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Facebook groups wrecking the scene!!

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It's facebook after all. A website for trolling. It has no real purpose. People just go on there to spread bullshit and advertise lol. After many debates and arguments on what stuff is "worth" I'm just going to accept that people will pay what they want. Doesn't matter what others think, the owner will sell their own belongings at whatever price they like which will most likely be based on a scan through ebay lol. (which is what she would have been better off doing).

Same for Aamir's EP being valued at £1,000. Loads of people that haven't been on here and been sucked into "optional extra" and "rare" items, will look at all the optional stuff and go "meh, cup holders so what, meh a foot rest so what" and having not been bothered by the little trinkets it's just an N/A ep91... Yet to someone else with knowledge of optional extras it's a gold mine.

I don't think this is a problem with facebook (Although facebook is a problem of it's own lol) but more of a general problem with pricing and sale price expectations along with a mix of long serving members with good knowledge and noobs with no idea what they're talking about.

Just have to wait out for someone with the same frame of mind that will pay the same prices as you... Or sell it cheaper and sell it quicker. The true answer is "Anywhere between £500 and £4k."

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Think the scene has just taken a turn for the worste. I do nights most the time so Normaly come on here at breaks used to take me a good hour to go catch up on the threads and most was intresting stuff now it takes 10mins and most are either sales threads or looking for prices. Love my starlet and have a good group of guys that are into them aswell I chat with on a daily basis so hopefully the Idoits move on and the actual enthusiast will be left again.

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Think the scene has just taken a turn for the worste. I do nights most the time so Normaly come on here at breaks used to take me a good hour to go catch up on the threads and most was intresting stuff now it takes 10mins and most are either sales threads or looking for prices. Love my starlet and have a good group of guys that are into them aswell I chat with on a daily basis so hopefully the Idoits move on and the actual enthusiast will be left again.

What he said


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Think the scene has just taken a turn for the worste. I do nights most the time so Normaly come on here at breaks used to take me a good hour to go catch up on the threads and most was intresting stuff now it takes 10mins and most are either sales threads or looking for prices. Love my starlet and have a good group of guys that are into them aswell I chat with on a daily basis so hopefully the Idoits move on and the actual enthusiast will be left again.

I know what you mea but on the facebook page alot of older members are dicks aswell, once my build is complete i will be taking a massive step back from the scene and enjoying my car without all the shit that the scene has with it

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Place seems a joke recently, cant speak about the facebook pages because im not on them but the forum is starting to go downhill imo. And im not the only one whos noticed.

Think alot of people have realised, browner put something up on facebook aswell about idiots on there, i use this for looking for parts and uksc for my build thread as i can use it for future reference as its quiet there and still lots of decent info ect without any idiots

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Can't really comment on Facebook as I haven't had it in over 5 years but can only imagine the youngsters that get ahold of them telling people it's forged 350bhp on ct9. But I also think the forum is going downhill to many people pointing and telling others which direction they should take they're builds

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That's the link... Should take you to the page.. and it's the post with the lasses arse with the controller on it.. It's comment heavy though, very boring - but they are basically planning to carry what is going on in the conversation at Japfest...

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currrently reading this funny as hell and yes jojo get the popcorn haha

Fucking hell some shite being talked on that by everyone think the all need to take a chill pill

It's ridonkulous... Felt like banging all their heads together!

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It's so childish shit like you couldn't afford my car, fight you at jf, what's your post code I'm going to smash up your car, my wheels are the only set in the world seriously like have people nothing better to do these days that has went on for 6 hours..them people need to have kids and they won't have 6 fucking hours to sit on fb and talk shit

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It's so childish shit like you couldn't afford my car, fight you at jf, what's your post code I'm going to smash up your car, my wheels are the only set in the world seriously like have people nothing better to do these days that has went on for 6 hours..them people need to have kids and they won't have 6 fucking hours to sit on fb and talk shit

Im only 22 but I remember stuff happening like that when I was in school.

Lol, what a load of wankers! And yes I did just read through pretty much all of that ha

all 368 comments :p! I read through mainly the bit where they started to threaten each other.

I hope that whoever they're going to JF with has a word with them about violence lol. If they're going to act like children, treat them like it !

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