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Everything posted by Chops

  1. im stumped, sorry. shitty rad or blocked waterways, thats all i can think of.
  2. busted water pump perhaps? i thought you flushed it through?
  3. What the fuck, is this shit. I've been waiting nearly a month for a reply, and suddenly he's sold it someone else. Brilliant. well, if anyone else has one, im still looking.
  4. someone photoshop some onto a ep82? id love to see a good mock up of that!
  5. haha peeps gettting their shit together at the last min all over the show, this japfest is set to be amazin at this rate!
  6. god damn it, if it had been a 3 door, id have bitten your hand off for it lol. tis a beast of a car anyway, im suprised it hasnt been snapped up yet :/
  7. Oosh, no more furious locals when i have to drive to work at 7:10 to avoid being late :L. ill grab that from you if theres still a silencer on it mate, pm'd
  8. i said id buy it, its hard to get you to reply mate :L
  9. i remember that, but i couldnt find the badge anywhere. my car has an rsr adjustable panhard and springs, so it wouldnt surprise me.
  10. not yet, its got a crack in it too so im hoping someone has one in better nick to sell
  11. ill be coming up with you lot, add me to the list
  12. if mine is the same system, and i recon it is judging by the backbox, this exhaust sounds mean when it gets onto boost
  13. ooh, i think my system might be an rsr looking at that. do you know where the proof would be on it please bud??
  14. Dear lordy, its the perfect plan all laid out in front of me! im picking up a 5e to get going with this saturday, this has probably saved me so many headaches, its nearly given me one to consider them lol :L. Amazin!
  15. Sandblasting is the surefire answer to old unwanted finish lol, but youve gotta have access to one which is easier said than done for most. not dealt with chrome before, so i dunno how else youd get it off without damaging the metal under it.
  16. lol just realised i didnt read your post properly, sorry. a friend of mines starlet had a load of crap in its standard rad, flushing it through the opposite way to normal flow managed to dislodge it. chunks of old whatever might come out the intake if it is blocked.
  17. i still think the thermostats probably jammed half open, or theres a blockage in the system somewhere. id start with the thermostat, and while the coolants out get the rad out, have a look at it and flush it through mate.
  18. i count the number of cranks to try and keep the test as even as possible. about 8 cranks should get your pistons maximum pressure.
  19. Youll need to take it all out i think. and youll need a tsomethingorother torques allen key to do so. right old pain in the ass, its why mines stayed broken for nearly a year now lol
  20. mine goes down (sorta) when you push down on the switch, but will not go back up again. i have to pull it up by hand then push up on the switch while holding it in place to keep it there. any idea whats going on there lol? passenger side is seized completely :L
  21. broken thermostat? my mates mx5 did exactly this a week ago, thermostat imploded and was stuck nearly shut all the time. good place to start. be careful not to overtighten the two bolts holding it on, they sheer really easily, as i found out when i did mine
  22. Even trade baby! i didnt think it was some kind of hybrid of the two, just meant it was somewhere between it. GLWS!
  23. So its kinda between a ct9 and a tdo4?
  24. Nah its all good, happy to be a help if i can. ive done a few sets of them now to a good standard so i feel i can give advice on it.
  25. look good to me, strip em, hit it with some scotchbrite then see where you are. look in good nick to me.
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