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Everything posted by FrozenJakalope

  1. Awesome, I'll be living in Brizzle in September so not too far. I'll have to give him a ring when re spray time comes. He did a cracking job on yours
  2. You're not wrong, I know the 7s better in every way, but I was 14 when the 8 came out and I fell in love with it. I've wanted one ever since.
  3. Morning Does anyone know if there's a 12v constant in the back of N/A clocks? I'd rather not delve into the mess behind the stereo if I can help it. Josh
  4. 5e Colin had some success getting coilies from a Golf to fit his Starlet. Have a look through his thread http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/78342-the-budget-coilovers-setup-polo-6n-golf/
  5. Also have a look at the sensor Earth on the inlet, mine was corroded to shit and caused all kinds of fuelling and idling issues.
  6. ^^ If I had a point for every time if thought about financing some Meister Rs I wouldn't need to finance them.
  7. Uzzy's got one for sale here http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/93498-japfest-stand-pass-x-2/#entry1109663
  8. Iirc, don't autos get significantly worse fuel mileage? Not sure how much that'd bother you but I think it was something like 100 miles less per full tank because it's a 4 speed.
  9. If I had a 4age lying around, I'd do the same in a second
  10. Wouldn't drop it any more than that mate tbh, it's a lovely car and worth that all day long. Just hard to sell an N/A. Glws.
  11. Couldn't be easier mate. Pop your head under the engine block and you'll see the sump, black tray-type-thing that literally covers the bottom of the engine. In the middle of this there's a plug, it looks like a bolt when it's in. Get a tray under there with a 3L capacity minimum and undo it, all your oil will start draining. Go have a cup of tea, it'll take a while to come out. If the engines a bit warm when you start it'll take less time. You'll need a new plug before you start - http://id-workz.co.uk/toyota/starlet/starlet-glanza-ep91/service-maintenance/magnetic-sump-plug-4e-fte When you'
  12. Damn, 26k? That's incredible. Liking the plan, SRs are only getting rarer so it's nice to see one being kept to spec
  13. On the parts list for the intake it's called an air cleaner, but I couldn't find anything about what it actually does.
  14. http://dub-se7en.toyotagtturbo.com/useful_info/OTHER_PDFS/4EFTE_4EFE_Engine_Diagnotsic_Code.pdf Have a shifty through here mate, explains the code and tells you what your next step in diagnosis might be. If you're stuck on any still, post em up here
  15. N/A ones have a 3wire plug on them, and they're odd. One wire is live when the lights are off, then goes dead and the other goes live when they're on, so the power to the socket itself switches when the light goes on. 3rd wire is ground.
  16. Okay, done and put back together and now it's idling at 2.1k, so definitely not an improvement. Believe me when I say that it is 10000000% percent NOT a vac leak. I've checked the pipes enough times and on a N/A, there are only 6 of them to look at, I would have found it by now. This problem's followed me through 3 inlets, 4 throttle bodies, 2 N/A ICVs, 3 TPS's and about 30 hours of my time, not including time spent googling.
  17. I haven't, no. I carb cleaned everything before it went on the car but I didn't actually take the ICV off the TB when I was doing it. You thinking it might be a sticky solenoid? I'll go disassemble, clean, and reassemble now and see how it goes.
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