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Everything posted by shorty

  1. Yea scratch that just realised it was a vid, you took off like a rocket!!
  2. Epic! Any vids? How did you find the ratios for draging?
  3. Vids!! Haha ;) was an epic time out on track. Had a proper good laugh tbh.
  4. Haha maybe grant lol. And it was a pain in the arse james. They are easy to get to and it may be easier with v dials. Easiest way on yours is change the black plastic face that sits over the dials and it will cover your old auto section in the middle. Job done. As thats the only difference as far as i rember from my old v's
  5. Well got a standard ct9 from krissyB at fest, and between me and grant we now should have enough stock bits to start work on it. The only thing missing is management of some sort.............. Oh wait no its not haha just waiting for it to show up from the home land
  6. Still wanting one people! Any condition considered. Cheers Tom
  7. Haha is a que who would buy this im sure. Especially after today! Was savage on track. Will send grant the vids to upload soon.
  8. yea nick your car did great on track just get an lsd on it man! Will transform the car i swear. and yea soz i missed quite a few people today
  9. Was an epic day! Had a right laugh on track in grants ep70 and good to meet up with friends and make some new ones!
  10. Hard core dedicated mate. And as far as i can remember theres not any car washes close to comb so probably worth stopping at one when your two thirds of the way there and then giving it a little rub down on the stand.
  11. Bloody hell! Missions! Fair play for not giving up on getting the rwd there.
  12. I can be in wales late eve/tonight with a donor car? But tbh id just go straight to the first garage i googled and slip em some cash to borrow a ramp, tools and a welder! 12.30 gives plenty of time to bodge a weld in the diff,
  13. I've a hole 85 ill part with bit wont be cheap option, or buy a welder from the closest place and strip the old diff?
  14. Mate! Really if im honest im starting to think you do it on purpose just to have an excuse for a hug, you could just ask like a normal guy instead? 1. You are crazy lucky it didnt kill the engine! 2. You will feel better after yet another annual hug from yours truely Could of been much worse dude tbh.
  15. I agree with grant, looks like a fucked rear axle lol. Taking it to the extreme with lean like that.
  16. Well a small taster of whats to come in an effort to build a proper sleeper conversion. and also because i didnt want gt clocks and my old 3door had these in from factory, took bloody ages to find but! GI/ep85 'S' dials. Just need to swap the millage readouts as the gi had done 200k kmh+ where as mine has done 53k miles lol.
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