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Rob H@RCH Engineering

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Everything posted by Rob H@RCH Engineering

  1. Thats what's scaring people off!! the thought of your love!! that might come over more gay than not going lol
  2. If you have skimmed the head by 7/10mm you will need a new head never mind a cam gear! do you mean 0.7-1.0mm?? But to answer the question no you dont need one, you really never need one on a starlet engine.
  3. Thanks mate! Its even more epic now lol I will have to take you out in it again!
  4. Loving the pick of the lexus been overtaken by a bloke on a push bike lol!!
  5. I like Jo's idea with the photo, could have a photo on spec sheets or a notice bord with all the mug shots on
  6. I think the badges would be a better idea unless most people are into wearing the same beer, food and what ever els stained Ts all weekend lol
  7. Was a awesome day good to catch up with the team again even if I didn't get around much! I avoided the sun burn but goth wife is now sunburnt lol
  8. Just got to wash mine! All ready filled it up yesterday! See you at 2:15 😀😀
  9. I will see what interest I get on the lot first mate but I may split if it dont sell as a kit.
  10. Bit of 180 grit and it be fine that Bluetooth plugs are the new in thing lol
  11. Item For Sale: Gopro hero 2 HD camera kit, contains 2x cameras, batteries and spair batteries some non gopro ones but work just as good! Battery charger for plugging into wall socket, 2x external mics and extension lead so you can mount the mic anywhere, wifi backpack and remote can be used with smart phone too! Lcd screen backpack so you can live view watch after filming and loads of mounts and brackets and stuff! The only thing you wont get is any SD cards as I need them for my other cameras. All you need to make this kit work in 3D is the housing and link lead! Item Condition & Desc
  12. If your reving the engine in neutral you will not see much boost at all, and if it was the clutch it would slip under load.
  13. How big is the catch tank? I ended up with quite a bit in mine after the car had been on the dyno. And with a new built engine you will get a bit more blow by till the rings bed in properly that will make more moisture too.
  14. Perfectly normal mate! Warm gasses in a cold alu tank causes condensation to form hence the clean water!
  15. It adjusts the timing and boost or just the timing or just the boost lol we will see what suits the car best and use that!
  16. No mate its all done through the speed sensor on the drive shaft and the aem ecu same as the boost by gear and launch control, we have had it working already but going to set it up so its stepped for different conditions.
  17. Cheers mate! The switch is for the traction control mate so it will run different modes ie wet, dri and so on, it may have othere functions too but thats what its main job is.
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