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Unfortunate Events: Heartless People Out There!...(Piss'd Off)

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Just got out the house lierally 10 mins ago had an instinct, just to check my black Glanza and guess what lucky I went...

Realised someone scratched my rear passenger quarter and I feel so angry inside its unreal so so sad...

Why???? For f*ck sake man!!! So angry it's like a deep 10 inch one gone through the primer but thin like its been keyed :(

Lot of people on here too been having thefts lately on their cars lights being robbed etc :(

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Mate I work hard and my cars my pride n joy some people gamble etc... I just spend on my car my hobby.

It's killed me this has, it's black so the colour will be hard to match 100% it won't be the same on the quarter

FFS my front Glanza badge is gone too, just realised its dark n wet outside hope that's the only things damaged wont be able to check until daylight


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Really feel for you mate! Someone bashed into my glanza in a car park and left a huge dent. Had to pay to get it repaired and resprayed. If you we're closer to my end I would recommend the guy who did mine as he did an awesome job on my car and a good deal.

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Fucking scum mate.

It happened to me when I had a saxo vts, right from the front wing all the way along the side of it to the back of the car.

Words cannot describe how much anger I felt.

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Some ones wife smashed my car with her door two times while I was in it today the car was completely vinyl wrapped a matter of weeks ago. He denied it, he refused to help the changed his mind.

Said follow me I followed him to a garage that respray SVA imports cars (i did say no good bringing me here my cars not sprayed, he didnt understand vinyl wrapping) luckily my old man knows the owner and his father, this guy thought they'd tell me to fuck off. Didn't work atall but still I only got £30 off him which is a fucking joke but not worth the raise in my premium if I try and claim.

What winds me up the most is him denying it, him being a tight bastard, him telling me I shouldn't worry about it and it's tiny or I didn't do that mark you should take care of your car (the car was spotless before his asshole wife got near it) I'm not paying for it im only responsible for one mark.

What was even funnier was he said I'm not paying for that whole panel to be re done, its only that tiny spot to which I informed him it would work out cheaper than spraying it which the shop owner backed me up on.

You can't have anything nice these days always some other Cnut that has to ruin it. I park my car hidden 99% of the time if I park in a car park I park with a space either side of me.

What a joke

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This happened to my last Glanza completely randomly. Turns out it happened in the area a bit, a Jag and a Merc had been done a few weeks before. From the filler cap to the front indicator. I lost my rag and sold the car in a day and brought a big white Altezza to shove on the drive lol

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These people need shooting...

Well ordered a new Glanza front badge from the toyota stealers came to under 15 quid and for now....

I touched in the scratch with a black hAlfords touch up pen you cannot tell unless you look real close only.

Did it this way incase it happens again so why get it re sprayed just yet? Still piss'd off hard but shit happens if I caught them i would have battered them lol

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Unlucky mate, Jealous cunts probably. It happened to me about 5 months back with a 4 foot key mark down the drivers side, completely ruins the car. I only had it out my garage for a few hours :( I was 'lucky' that it only cost £150 to repair, as they were talking to about respraying the whole side of the car to get the colours to match, which would have been pricey

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What goes around comes around these days, hopefully you will find the little cts.

I had a 85 mini and u come back from a hefty night out and saw someone had jumped up and down on the roof smashing the roof right in.. I understand if I deserved it but no..

At least you have covered her wounds mate, kinda patches up a little but if heartache..

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happened to my mx5 :( they smashed the window and nicked my college back full of work! and my last £10 note and little brothers gloves :(

also had some pikeys try to steal the actuator off of my GT when i had the big gay cutout in the bonnet from the previous owner bastards bent the wastegate arm trying to pull it off! i let the dog out because he was going nuts and i heard them running off! should have let him out the front door to chase the bastards

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when i got my car it was immaculate no dinks or dents or anything, after being parked in the college car park a few times theres loads of little dinks in it from ignorant b*stards bashing there doors against it :(

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That is proper annoying in the sunlight when you look at the car from the front to the side and realise there loads of faint ripples n faint dinks n dents on the sides

And then your like oh that one wernt there before was it?

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