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iPhone 5 vs Sony Xperia Z1

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Get an iPhone if you jailbreak it as I found they are quite restricted. Android has a much more open market for apps however this does mean some are terrible.

The z1 is a good phone but you might find it on the large side, however they are about to release the z1 compact which is the exact same phone spec wise (other than the screen) just smaller So Will Be A Similar Size TO an IPhone.

Best thing to do is try one in the shop, you get a 7 or 14 day exchange policy on phones so can always try it out. Going from ios to andriod is bewildering to some so will take some getting used to but once you realise all the extra little bits you can do I think they're far superior.

P.s And they have a back button... lol

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I phone. In December I borrowed my mates z1 to install some stuff for him and it broke, which was his second as his first broke. And my flat mate picks up his third today, although he did break the second but was from picking his phone up with damp hands. They seem very fragile, and in my opinion not even top of the range.

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Z1 all day every day. As said its quite a big phone, but the camera and screen resolution put the I5 to shame for starters.

I was previously the biggest Isheep of all times, and converted to Android a couple of years back, and havent looked back since.

Not an awful lot has changed on the Iphone since the 4s.

The possibilities are endless with Androids, especially one they're rooted. 2014 is gonna be a really interesting year for smart phones, with new releases from HTC, Samsung and LG. Apple have promised bigger and better things for the Iphone 6, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

So maybe hang fire and wait for the Sumsung Galaxy s5 (Being unveiled on 24th of this month in Barcelona, then should be a out a few weeks later).

Edited by Djaniero
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I always found the samsung S series always had the best features plus a better screen and in my opinion the android operating system is far more superior to apples software, apple have stuck with basically the same phone with a few small upgrades and similar operating systems, as above with the new technology in smart phones this coming year apple to too do something drastic with their phones before they are left in the past

Edited by fremyjay
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Let's mix it up, I'm a full htc user and have been for years.

Currently have the new HTC one mini and its amazing compared to most of my families phone, sister had a 5s for a month and now has a htc one, give it ago it's far superior in my eyes

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as one of you said about the Nokia, I've hot a lumia 710 so bottom of the range ish and its really good I mean the formatting of some apps like Facebook is terrible and now where its old if I put it on charge and press a button it decudes that my fingers are huge and will open four different apps or do what it wants but after about 5 mins or off almost dead its fine and the Nokia layout is so easy and good to work with its unreal, just my two pence worth bit they are really good phones imo :)

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I have a HTC one, within 2 weeks speaker and vibrate went and it crashes constantly and decides to go into airplane mode whenever it feels like it, probably a dud one I got but I've always been a Samsung user

There always going to be Friday might phones I'm afraid, cant say I've ever had a problem to be honest in around 4/5 years

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The Z1 is awesome, had mine about 6 months now, if it gets dirty I run it under the tap. I've taken a picture of my fish, from inside the tank. And I've dropped it at least 4 times and the screen hasn't imploded.

O it's got a good camera and the features are generally awesome. Took some getting used to as I was an iPhone bummer lol

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