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Everything posted by richglanzav

  1. lol hes decided a year on the the car hasnt got a boost controller. LOL
  2. hi mate im gna decide what i want to do about the car after my holiday in a weeks time - bit akward at the moment, if its still here by then ile come and have a look cheers.
  3. yeh ive heard good reviews keri so no doubt they would be ok i would defo not buy 2nd hand brakes again id go for a new kit this time
  4. lol exactly right shorty we bum america for a reason haha thats cus we are a tiny little island with a tiny little army. absolutely no force whatsoever compared with say russia or even ukraine. unfortunately theres never gonna be an answer to this, there will always be the lunatics that will never ever stop fighting. seen as we are quoting movies ile put in a very true quote from terminator 2 lol. *arnie to john connor* - its in your nature to destroy yourselves. and it will happen my friends as we get more and more intelligent we get more and more dangerous.
  5. i had a set of these on my ep95 and when i first had them they was shockingly bad stock glanza brakes would have stopped much quicker...but it was because Tuning Developments didnt clean them up properly (they were 2nd hand from someone they knew). put some new pads on and cleaned the discs and they was ok then - still not amazing though i wudnt fancy attacking a track with them maybe it was just a dodgy kit i had
  6. lol mate i would but i honestly think my lessened mental state i would actually start crying then gonna try these earplane plugs they seem to have very good reviews online everywhere maybe av a decongestant too
  7. i tell you mate im gna admit i almost cried lol and im a grown man haha its fucking excruciating and gainzy mate it comes in different forms for different people but you sound exactly like me. no pain on take off and ascent then when getting really high i cant hear properly its like my ears are underwater lol can hear a bit but its very fuzzy. then the dreaded descent is pain time.
  8. does anyone suffer with this? please someone tell me they do and they know of a good cure or helping aid for it lol. i went on a flight to mallorca and i felt like my head was gna actually explode ive literally never felt anything like it. well we got another flight with a 4 year old girl aswell and im concerned for her little ears doing the same as mine so i wanna try to get something. p.s ive tried all the usual stuff, i.e the valsalva effect, sucking sweets, swallowing, blowing up a balloon (much to the amusement of kids on the flight lol). anyone know of anything good to us
  9. hopefully none of our brave lads will be sent over there...its a death trap for whoever goes...i don't really care if one side has more bombs than the other, fact is they are firing on each other you've said it yourself thread starter. all the middle eastern countries have this problem always opening fire on each other it will never stop so just let them sort themselves out it ay for us to wipe their bums and tell them off, oh and lose a good few of our young troops in the process id be saying hell no if i was a politician.
  10. ...........................................................................................................
  11. thats a good shout there, celica gt4 st205. few decent mods and its around 300bhp. id imagine they are just as pricey to run though
  12. http://www.tradecarview.com/used_car/japan%20car/toyota/starlet/14886329/ immaculate MK1 with 22000 kms on the clock besides the dodgy interior it looks like its never seen a rainy day
  13. nice one mate, my little monsters 4 and a half she wont even give me a kiss or a cuddle anymore lol growin up much too quick, enjoy them while they are tiny and reliant on you lol
  14. evo is an awesome car much better for tuning than a scoob. great gearbox can take way more than stock car produces. but be ready for some hefty maintenance bills especially if anything breaks like the AYC for example. i have driven an evo and a bugeye scoob and its just amazing after owning a td04 starlet to be honest - dont have to worry about the conditions just plant it and it goes no messing about or lighting up the front tyres lol. only things that put me off buying these cars were the already mentioned reasons in this thread - running costs etc
  15. would of thought even a high mileage b16 or d16 gna take a lot more abuse than a VTS or pug engine?
  16. i still might be tempted picture dependant lol
  17. nah yeah fair play im sure it goes like the clappers i just was frustrated cus ive tried so hard to see uptodate photos of it and underside/engine bay pics etc
  18. just saying dude if its got all this great stuff on it why ay you put up a load of pics of them ages ago. it would help sell the car you need to answer as many of the questions as you can regarding the mileage and who mapped it etc, and i also asked how the car sits on the zeta coliovers as normally they are too high at the back and even the 4wd specific ones are a bit high so just wondered how it sits.
  19. lol my comment aint shit its true, ile wait and see for any pictures of the engine bay and DECENT interior pics. p.s - for anyone thinking my sarcasm is rude i am sorry but this advert irritates me and i believe the seller to be hiding quite a lot about this car. i was genuinely interested in this car on TGTT for months but my interest gradually dwindled as it took me about a month to extract any information i wanted to know from the seller, i.e what brakes were on it (stock LOL quite worrying really) what suspension, etc. i would just ask a question and he would talk about somethin
  20. lol u got absolutely no flippin chance mate haha the bonnets been welded shut and so have all doors - noone can actually enter the car
  21. right guys long story short ive won a competition and have two goodwood festival of speed tickets for this coming weekend. for one day only, saturday or sunday entry. basically somethings come up and i cant go lol so i wanna get a bit of dosh for them so if you want them stick a bid in lol.
  22. he will no doubt come on here soon and give a load of bullshit, i will literally laugh out loud if he starts the usual courier did this courier did that fuck me use a decent one then. it does now appear that its him thats the dodgy one. i await with baited breath the whole drama of excuses, oh and no doubt my telling off by him
  23. Random one this, but i keep losing my friggin keys ive lost them and found them again 3 times this year but the 4th time i recently lost them they were gone for good. got no idea where they have gone god knows lol but i want to make sure i dont lose them again as ive had to shell out for new barrels on the doors of my house. looking at bluetooth GPS tracker devices for keyrings and valuables but the problem i have is that all the ones i can see online, the key fob makes a loud noise and id be concerned about it going off at work as things like that are a disciplinary action offence lol
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