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Everything posted by morgey

  1. This was my thinking but I've gone for red as its something to brighten it up a bit. I've got 3 covers between 2 cars so if i dont like it i can paint another black and sell this one in eventually.
  2. Aye, we're here lurking in the shadows 😛
  3. sweet, look forward to the next batch 😀
  4. Some tidy cars out for this, and then the teg... 😛 Could do with a different lense for the track shots ideally but still some good shots never the less 👍
  5. I just cleaned mine. Bit of gravel and hot soapy water and give it a good shake. Soon sorts that out.
  6. Got the interior all back in now, need a few little push clips for the boot trim and thats about it. I also got a pair of recaro doorcards finally, i gave a quick clean up as they'd been sitting a while but scrubbed up pretty well. these will get fitted when i change the doors over. Thought with all this spare time i have i should really get on and do some other bits too whilat im at it so 1st up was prep my spare cam cover for paint. Theres a few casting marks along the lower edges that needed filing back and the obvious degreasing and sanding down. Should be all ready to go now, just got
  7. Yeahif you just bolted it all with it just hanging then the top of the wheel will be further out than the bottom. Jack it up again, loosen the 2 bolts that go through the bottom of the shock and just lift thr hub from the bottom of the disc, you'll see how much movement there is where them 2 bolts are. All you need to do is lift the hub assembly by either propping with a jack or by hand then at the same time tighten them 2 bolts. Repeat for the other side. Take to a garage to get the alignment setup.
  8. As westie said. Should be a plug, Cd's and sr's came with them stock
  9. When you do the 2 suspension to hub bolts up you need to lift the wheel to take up the slack in the holes. Once thats done you'll need to get your alignment done as it will all be out.
  10. morgey

    Tools list

    Lever bar for popping the shafts out the box. Socket and spanner sets, Slip jaw grips are handy for pipe clips. Probably wont need it but a load leveller can be useful for moving the weight of the engine
  11. Haha im just saying that with the likes of T/C, boost by gear that modern cars are more likely to come equipped with they can get the 0-60 times down quite a lot without a crazy amount of power
  12. Looks ace with the remix bumper, nice to have something different. As for the title of the thread its due to not being a member any more and its to stop forsale threads being edited with lapsed memberships. If you want it changed either become a member again or Pm one of us moderators with a link to the thread and with what you want the title to be changed to
  13. A good ecu with L/C, Boost by gear and/or traction control would help a lot. Then as above, tyres, suspension setup. Someone nearby me has a race prepped mk3 or 4 leon running 280-300hp and that has a 0-60 of 4.2 secs which i was quite surprised by, but it does have a 4k dogbox to go along with all the other go faster bits haha
  14. Wow been a long time since I've updated this! Not a huge amount has changed since last year, i was out the country for a few months from mid feb this year so didn't do too much spending leading up to that but now im back i got around to fitting a few bits and giving it a service. Parts were mainly front suspension components, balljoints, trackrods, droplinks and D bushings. Also had a set of Soft Ns2r's that id collected off a member on here that i had fitted, and whilst i was at the tyre center that i had the geo done. Fairly straightforward setup. 1.10 camber on the front 0.05
  15. Literally takes 5mins aslong as your cable hasnt seized to your box. Pop the cable off the selector slide this on and then pop the cable over this. Its a good 40% reduction in travel and makes it feel a lot more solid shift.
  16. Set of 940 galaxy wheels could look good on this. Theyre 16" https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=volvo+galaxy+wheels&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBvZf416HUAhUiKsAKHaEuAFAQ_AUICigC&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=3#tbm=isch&q=volvo+240+galaxy+wheels&imgrc=HCt1dtQ83E9gLM:
  17. Haha im clearing some of mine out as i got too many. Will be good to see the retoration come along, always been a sucker for retro jap motors
  18. If you look on google images the st185 had single pot caliper too lol
  19. I have a 30 and a 32mm on mine lol. Depends if its oem or a replacement cv joint.
  20. Made any progress restoring the shell at all? Must have quite a collection of parts now id imagine haha
  21. Better than an n/a one maybe
  22. At best guess its an st185 its hard to tell if yours has a single rubber boot at either end or 2 at either end. If its got 2 either end then its st185. http://www.gtfours.co.uk/pics/brakes/all_brakes2.jpg
  23. They could be archived, Socks or trisk might be able to dig them up if you ask.
  24. Welcome back! Looking at getting yourself back in an ep?
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