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Everything posted by FMuscle

  1. Can I send you a cheque? I don't care bargaining, it's RARE!!!
  2. LMAO I do agree cheap cars FTW as you can not care about them and have loads of fun. Hoon til it dies...
  3. It's one of my driving lights, the rivets got loose on the housing... Can't hear a thing as soon as I touch it. Anyways, the car's back in the workshop, found the OTHER LEAKS on the cooling system and fixed them, tomorrow I take the front right wheel of and look at what's stuck in my brake making noise and destroying my brand new brakes..... And while I'm there, I'll remove the lower timing cover to check why there's oil on it. I hope it's just because I didn't clean my spill properly. Stay tuned.
  4. Got it from UK! Engine Optics, check em out. I have a few more goodies to install as well.
  5. Yeah charge is next, with standalone, most likely a Haltech 500. I did a little road test as I was getting dinner, I have no more coolant in the top hose. and a scrapping noise so I drove it back to work and swapped cars. also I'm new to 6 pucks clutch, a bit shacky for now lol
  6. Well engine is running smoothly, I love it, BUT it's still loosing coolant, and I can hear a speed dependent scrapping from the right front. So I just dropped the car back at work and brought the beater back home. More to follow.
  7. Noticed that on my 4E as well, I was putting the sump on and had the 4ET stamp in my face for a few seconds...
  8. I lived on my own for a few months before, in 2010-11, but moved back with my dad, who moved out with his gf, so I had his unfished house to myself 99.9% of the time. Then came me moving out of my dad's in Granby, Canada, to Rockingham, Australia. needless to say, I don't plan on moving back with my parents... living with a housemate atm, can't get a house... (Visa restrictions)
  9. I just drove my 5E Starlet for the first time tonight, just the 5 minutes ride from work to home... My first impressions are that it's not as much as I thought it would be. I got it up to 100kmh in 3rd, checked the acceleration, but not too hard. I'm taking it easy (easier) because of the new engine/clutch/everything... My impression: I do not feel it's actually quicker, but I do feel it's lighter, less load to go at speed. I do have stock air box and exhaust at the moment, Corolla inlet, FHE cams. I also have FTE dished pistons in provision for my SC14 going in shortly. And point to mention
  10. >http://youtu.be/dqURaG5oN9s
  11. Found my fuel leak: >http://youtu.be/dqURaG5oN9s And it's home!
  12. Do you guys know if corolla coilovers would fit, they seem to be much cheaper for same brand... 88-99 AE92-AE111 corolla
  13. Hydrodipping? Could look good, if matched with other stuff...
  14. Hey all, I was just thinking about my swap and all, and thought I should make a list for future reference to keep in the car for if/when I need replacement parts... or if i sell the car. (big no-no ) For example in my case, Engine: EL44 PaseoTaillights: EP91 CaratBrakes FR&RR: EL44 PaseoFuel filter: EP91 StarletDizzy: EP91 StarletRadiator: Swift GTiAnyone else is doing this?
  15. NOT for headlights. Bright, can be seen, but not enough to light up the road. If you want for fogs it could work but don't expect an improvment while driving. If you want good lighting, get a proper retrofit, I'll be doing one on mine around next month, I'll post about it.
  16. No. I got the clear cover on, and I can check quickly but no, oil was only residue from my dumbness of not tightening the cover properly before restarting it. I'll get those o-rings replaced tomorrow, hopefully I have a free hoist to get to the clamp, It just didn't work on the ground...
  17. Yeah it lives... kind of. Here's the formal update. So the car started, I put some oil in yesterday evening, this morning it was on the L mark, so I poured some on the cams to help a moist start... Rocker cover on, start without coolant. all good. recheck under the cover, oil everywhere, WIN! Pour coolant, put the rocker cover back on, start. D'oh! Oil everywhere around the timing cover and coolant leaking in 3 places... But as an idiot I put the rocker cover on without tightening it... At lunch, following my post I fixed 2 of the coolant leaks, just a matter of tightening clamps, and cl
  18. IT'S ALIVE!!! Got a few things to check out before I drive it, but I got it out of the workshop for the workday on its own power this morning!!! Good times to come! Thanks for the help, specially you Colin, not much time I'm in lunch, I'll update again tonight.
  19. I will start it tomorrow. I didn't want to rush things in the last 5 minutes tonight. but what got me, confused, is that the oil light did not turn on when I switched the ignition. It did Friday, last time I tried... I did lots of reading and I'm confident that my pressure issue is solved. And the fuel/spark as well with the 4E dizzy. So tomorrow, refreshed, take another look at everything then fire it up.
  20. Yeah 44°C, I heard on radio that when the sea breeze came in at 2:30 the temperature drop 3 degrees instantly! 41 is still freakin hot!!!
  21. Ok here's today's update. 4E dizzy installed 4E sump, pick up and pressure release valve fitted Exhaust fits and is secured Put oil in the filter (and release valve) before fitting it. Cranked the engine, but I couldn't tell if the oil light came off because THE OIL LIGHT NEVER CAME ON ON IGNITION!!! It was on Friday, but it never lit up today, (didn't turn ign on before doing the above...) check engine was off too, but turned on when I put the EFI fuse back in... No attempt to actually start it was made today. Will do tomorrow... if all goes well.
  22. 27 feeling like 22. Lovin' life! Of course being in Australia where winter feels like summer helps... ;)
  23. You could make a mold for fiberglass replicas... Then send me one
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